Why Partner with Candlefox?
New Revenue Stream
As a Candlefox affiliate partner, you will be able to add a new source of revenue that doesn't diminish your existing revenue streams. Once set-up, an integration with us can run autonomously on your site, helping drive a significant passive income for you every month.
Deliver Extra Value to Your User Base
Empower your users to explore and discover new opportunities through learning. With relevant and highly compelling content, drive an increase in return visits and advocacy. With hundreds of short courses across all categories including business, nutrition, education, photography, beauty and many more, there is something for everyone. Help your site visitors to embrace taking the next step towards achieving their career aspirations and qualifications.
Flexible Solutions & Support
We create bespoke solutions for our partners, so that our content looks and feels like it's yours.
We'll work closely you to integrate our courses into your existing website style and design, providing a seamless user experience. Prospective students can apply for information on our courses without having to ever leave your website or they can be redirected to one of our sites and have their conversions tracked there.
For a smooth technical integration, we can supply customised course feeds, APIs, searchable ad units, email creative and more, depending on your requirements and target audience.
We also provide real time tracking of results via an online platform and prompt payment for valid leads.
Candlefox is home to a team of designers and content writers who will set you up for success, right from the get-go, based on your unique needs.